Data Terminology

Data Terminology

Big data describes the increased availability of data. Big data is typically described as being huge in volume, high in velocity (how fast it is created) and diverse in variety. 


Compliance is the practice of adhering to laws, regulations, standards and contractual requirements. 

Cross reference is the field representing a data element in the system of record.

Data is a collection of facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis together. Data is information.


A database is an organized collection of data for research and retrieval, typically stored and accessed electronically


Data analytics are used to analyze various collected data points to gain insight and make informed decisions. 


Data classification a common category of Data Elements that specifies their availability, access requirements and requisite protection levels.


Data domains are high-level categories of university data organized to facilitate the effective management and use of data to evaluate, innovate and achieve university goals.


A data element is an atomic unit of Institutional Data that has precise meaning or precise semantics.


Data governance is a framework of standards, principles, requirements, authorities, roles and guidance to provide optimal and secure institutional data management to support and advance the university mission.


Data integrity is the validity, accuracy and consistency of data.


Data management includes the development, execution and supervision of plans, policies, programs and practices that deliver, control, protect and enhance the value of data and information assets throughout their lifecycles.


A data point is a single point of data.


Data privacy protects a person’s or organization’s personal and private information so it is not inappropriately disclosed.


data scope is the highest level of organized data managed by the university’s data trustees.


Data security is the process of maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of an organization’s data in a manner consistent with the organization’s risk strategy.


A data security officer is designated by a data steward with operational responsibilities for maintaining technical solutions and enforcing access procedures and IT standards related to institutional data.


A data set refers loosely to a collection of related data items.

A data steward is a university employee who reports to, and is designated by, a Data Trustee and has the responsibility for protecting institutional data in accordance with IT standards and university policies, and consistent with directions provided by a Data Trustee.


A data trustee is an executive officer of the university, designated by the Chancellor, who is responsible for data-related strategic planning and oversight authority of institutional data for all organizational units and employees, under their charge, that manage and receive Institutional Data.

The data type is the type of data (e.g. number, date, etc.)


A data user is a university unit or individual university member who has been granted access to institutional data in order to perform assigned duties or in fulfillment of assigned roles or functions for the conduct of university business.

The Element name is the same as UNC System Data Mart.

Example is the same as UNC System Data Mart.

The functional definition is the description of an element independent of the data system.

Information security is the  preservation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Information Resources and Institutional Data.

IRAP stands for Institutional Research, Assessment & Planning at Appalachian State University.

Metadata is data about data. Metadata may vary depending on the context but usually provides information about a data element.

Other is additional information as needed.

PII stands for Personally Identifiable Information.

Qualitative data is a collection of information that describes a topic. 


Quantitative data is a collection of numerical data that can be used to measure variables.

SO-Dataset Field Name is equivalent to Dataset Field Name in UNC system Data Mart (if applicable).

Status is the same as UNC System Data Mart.

The system of record identifies Information Technology (IT) that is the authoritative data source by Appalachian for a subset of Institutional Data or a given Data Element.

A variable is an element, feature or factor that tends to vary or change.