Need to Report an Information Security Concern?
To report, click the request link and search for "Data Quality Request."
What is a security concern?
Here are some examples:
- An App State managed device has been stolen
- Responding to or clicking a link in a phishing email
- University data that has fallen into the wrong hands
- Fear your account or device may be compromised
- Threats or misrepresentations of identity
- Harassment of or by individuals university resources
The term, security concern, is any computer, network or university information-based activity that could result in misuse, damage, denial of service, compromise of integrity or loss of confidentiality of the App State network, your computer, which is connected to the App State network, and data or university information.
It is every user’s responsibility to report security concerns, whether benign and accidental or malicious and deliberate.
What is a data quality concern?
Here are some examples:
- Multiple records for what should be a single entity.
- Inaccurate data such as incorrect name or email address.
- Invalid data such as a phone number missing a country code or a date not being within a specific range.
Data quality refers to the degree to which data meets the requirements of its intended use. Data quality concerns can arise from various sources, including data entry, data processing, system design and data management practices.
Addressing these concerns is essential to ensure data is fit for its intended purpose and can be used effectively.
Including data exposure, business email compromise (BEC), social engineering attacks through email and messaging such as phishing attempts and identity theft.
How to Report
To report any security concerns, call our IT Support Help Desk at 828-262-6266.
If you’re unsure whether or not an email is a security concern or phishing attempt, forward the email to
*Report any threats to individuals to the appropriate law enforcement agency.